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Publication : “American Furniture, 1650–1840 : Highlights from the Philadelphia Museum of Art”.

KIRTLEY Alexandra Alevizatos, American Furniture, 1650–1840: Highlights from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphie, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2021, 336 p.

Présentation de l’éditeur :

American Furniture, 1650–1840: Highlights from the Philadelphia Museum of Art is the first publication dedicated to one of the finest collections of its type in the country. Best known for furniture by artisans from Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania, the museum’s collection includes significant examples from cities and regions farther afield. Interpretive texts for each work focus on design sources, showing how early American furniture participated in an international visual language. A vibrant local economy was bolstered by coastal trade bringing Caribbean mahogany and European imports that continued to influence local production. By the 1740s Philadelphia had developed a distinctive idiom and led the developing nation in style and aesthetics. This volume provides an important resource for scholars of American furniture, illuminates the cultural and mercantile life of the fledgling nation, and offers a lively introduction to the donors, curators, and personalities who have shaped the institution from its earliest days to the present.

Alexandra Alevizatos Kirtley is the Montgomery-Garvan Curator of American Decorative Arts at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (22 février 2021). Publication : “American Furniture, 1650–1840 : Highlights from the Philadelphia Museum of Art”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

Maxime Georges Métraux

Doctorant en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris IV –Sorbonne, Centre André Chastel – UMR 8150). Expert pour la galerie Hubert Duchemin et chargé d’enseignement à l'Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. Commissaire scientifique de l’exposition "Chic Emprise : Cultures, usages et sociabilités du tabac du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle" (22 juin - 23 septembre 2019) au musée du Nouveau Monde de La Rochelle.

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