Appel à communication : “Palaces for Rent : Real Estate in 18th-Century Rome / Palacios en alquiler : Patrimonio inmobiliario en la Roma del siglo XVIII”.
Type : appel à communication.
Date limite de l’appel : 31 juillet 2019.
Date de l’événement : 14 et 15 novembre 2019.
Lieu : Departamento de Historia del Arte, UNED, Madrid.
This conference is developed within the frame of the research project Ramón y Cajal (2017-22131) devoted to “Artistic Academies, Diplomacy, and Identity of Spain and Portugal in Rome during the First Half of the 18th Century” (“Academias artísticas, diplomacia e identidad de España y Portugal en la Roma de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII”) by Dr Pilar Diez del Corral. The secondary aspect of the aforementioned project to be addressed is the accommodation problem that representatives of foreign countries encountered in Rome. The impact of this issue goes beyond the mere anecdote to affect diplomatic and logistical aspects of visitors’ time in Rome. From an art historical perspective this approach allows for the study of the economic investment made by those people, the composition of their household from the staff to the material display, issues regarding restoration, construction plans, and other works in the palaces.
The conference aims to bring together scholars specializing in architecture, social history, decorative arts, and so on to explore the topic of Rome as a city of foreigners, who usually came to the city for church positions or to develop diplomatic or commercial missions that forced them to stay for long periods. The conference seeks to address the supply of palaces in Rome and the problems derived from the influence of high-ranking foreigners, who looked for accommodations fitting their dignity, and who in so many cases were forced to undertake significant works to prepare their new residences. Potential topics for discussion could include but are not limited to
• Roman palaces, construction aspects
• Internal organization of the palaces, spaces, and etiquette
• Decoration and internal design, magnificence, and display
• Roman households
• Ambassadors, legates, cardinals, and other representatives in Roman residences
• Topography of power and diplomacy
• Private and public spaces for the artistic creation within the palaces: academies, libraries, collections, intellectual gathering, theaters, etc.
• Economic issues such as problems relating to rents, non-payments, etc.
Please submit a one-page proposal (Word format) in Spanish or English (other European languages could be accepted) comprising title, abstract, and a short biographical note to no later than 31 July 2019. The selected participants will be notified by 1 September. The conference outcomes might be followed by the publication of a collective work, subject to peer-review and selection depending on the quality and innovation of the papers.
Scientific Direction
Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira (UNED, Madrid)
Scientific committee
Diana Carrió-Invernizzi (Dpto. Historia del Arte, UNED, Madrid)
Angela Cipriani (former director of the Archivio Storico di San Luca, Rome)
Almudena Negrete Plano (Europaschule Friedensburg Oberschule, Berlin)
Álvaro Pascual Molina (Dpto. Historia del Arte, UNED, Madrid)
Carlos Pena Buján (independent scholar, Madrid)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (14 mai 2019). Appel à communication : “Palaces for Rent : Real Estate in 18th-Century Rome / Palacios en alquiler : Patrimonio inmobiliario en la Roma del siglo XVIII”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse