Appel à communication : “Art and the Sea”.

Joseph Vernet (1714-1789), Le lever du jour, départ des pêcheurs, 1747, peinture à l’huile sur toile, 98 x 134 cm, © D. Perronnet/Art digital studio & P. de Gobert
Type : appel à communication.
Date limite de l’appel : 1 juillet 2019.
Date de l’événement : 13 septembre 2019.
Lieu : Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool.
Interest in maritime art and its role in art history has reignited in recent years, and this conference provides an opportunity for examination and reassessment of this field. The theme of Art and the Sea lends itself to interdisciplinary approaches and subject matter. It is anticipated that interest will arise from those working in art history, transport history, sociology, maritime studies, natural history, engineering, biology, and other areas. Submissions for conference papers on the theme of Art and the Sea from these and other disciplines are welcome.
The sea and maritime travel are subjects of universal fascination. For centuries, the sea inspired both fear and fascination and, unsurprisingly, these emotions fuelled artists and craftspeople to create work in response. Traversing the sea was often laborious which led to sailors developing new crafts or to vessels being decorated to entertain or provide interest. For the 2019 CPMH Conference, we consider these themes and aim to discover what current, cutting-edge research is revealing about the role of art and design in relation to the sea. We encourage the discussion of previous debates in the light of new evidence or approaches and the introduction of entirely new subject matter and methods. The conference theme is deliberately broad in scope, but potential themes / topics for discussion could include (but are not limited to)
• Maritime vessels as sites for art or art making
• The depiction of ships / ports / sea conditions in art
• Ship figureheads (significance / symbolism / creation)
• Art under the surface of the sea
• Maritime artists and their role in art history
• Museology of maritime art
• The intersection of natural history and maritime art
• Interior design of vessels
• Use of images of the sea for commercial purposes
Registration fees are £10 for non-concessions or free for concessions. There will be a conference reception during the evening of Friday, 13 September. Details will be circulated to delegates in due course. To submit an abstract for this year’s conference, please email a 250-word abstract to Dr Emma Roberts, CPMH Committee ( by the 1st of July 2019.
The Centre for Port and Maritime History—a collaborative venture between The University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, and Merseyside Maritime Museum—exists to further and facilitate historical research on port cities and their relationship to maritime endeavour and enterprise. Launched in 1996, the Centre builds on two Liverpool-based traditions. The School of History at The University of Liverpool has long been a respected centre for research and teaching in maritime history, particularly through the work of Francis Hyde, Peter Davies, and Sheila Mariner. Equally, curatorial staff at the Museum have established a strong record of research in the field, and of making their collections accessible to the scholarly community. The Centre is intended as an enabling forum, offering a focus for existing activity and a vehicle for launching new initiatives.
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Maxime Georges Métraux (4 mai 2019). Appel à communication : “Art and the Sea”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse