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Colloque : “Text Artefact Identity : Horace Walpole and the Queer Eighteenth Century”.

Type : colloque
Date et horaire : 15 et 16 février 2019.
Lieu : Strawberry Hill, Londres.

This conference will bring together scholars and curators from the disciplines of Literature, Cultural History, Art and Architectural History, and Heritage to investigate LGBTQ perspectives on the ‘long’ eighteenth century, and features keynotes from Walpole’s biographer, George Haggerty, and Matthew Reeve, who has written extensively on Gothic architecture, sexuality, and aesthetics.

Hosted in partnership with Horace Walpole’s Gothic villa at Strawberry Hill in west London, the conference will complement a major exhibition taking place October 2018–February 2019, The Lost Treasures of Strawberry Hill, which brings together, for the first time since 1842, masterpieces from Walpole’s collection. There will be an opportunity to visit the exhibition during the conference.

Booking is now available online via Strawberry Hill House’s website, with generous reductions for unfunded students. One and two-day tickets are available, in addition to reduced prices for those not funded by their employer or external body. The conference is a partnership between the National Trust, Strawberry Hill, and St Mary’s University. More information is available here.


F R I D A Y ,  1 5  F E B R U A R Y  2 0 1 9

9.00  Registration and coffee

9.50  Welcome by Peter Howell, Nino Strachey, and Silvia Davoli

10.00  Keynote Lecture
• George Haggerty, Horace Walpole: ‘Queernesses’ in the Epistolary Mode

11.00  Break

11.10  Panel 1: Horace Walpole and His Network
• Eugenia Zuroski, ‘That you may show us what we have seen’: Bentley’s Drawings and the Archive of Queer Feeling
• Freya Gowrley, Inheriting Strawberry Hill: Shared Practices and Shared Spaces
• Andrew Rudd, Shut out of the Queer Family Romance: Thomas Chatterton’s Revenge on Walpole

12.40  Lunch

1.40  Keynote Lecture
• Maurice Howard, Resolving the Past without a Certain Future: Classical and Gothic in John Chute’s Ideas for The Vyne

2.40  Break

2.50  Panel 2: Queer Perspectives on Eighteenth-Century Culture (1)
• Gràinne O’Hare, Harmless Queerness: Eighteenth-Century Erasure of Female Sexual Experience
• Emily West, ‘A little play-thing-house’: Queer Childishness at Strawberry Hill
• Keiko Kimura, The Americanized Gothic Theatre: C. B. Brown’s Wieland

4.20  Break

4.30  Panel 3: Queer Perspectives on Eighteenth-Century Culture (2)
• Dominic Janes, Queer Eye for the Queer Guys?: Horace Walpole and the Macaronis
• Cameron MacDonell, Walpole’s Queer Passionometer: Britain’s Climate and Gothic Aesthetics

5.30  Tea and tours of the exhibition, The Lost Treasures of Strawberry Hill

7.00  Drinks and dinner

S A T U R D A Y ,  1 6  F E B R U A R Y  2 0 1 9

9.30  Registration and coffee

10.00  Keynote Lecture
• Matthew Reeve, Queer Family Romance in the Strawberry Hill Collections

11.00  Break

11.10  Panel 4: Architecture, Display, and ‘Camp’
• Daniela Roberts, Framing Queer Identity: Gothic Revival Interior and Collection Display in Strawberry Hill
• Wojciech Szymański and Robert Kusek, Strawberry Hill and the Camp History of Architecture: The Case of Central Europe
• Luciana Colucci, ‘Well, I begin to be ashamed of my magnificence’: Horace Walpole and the Queer Eighteenth Century

12.40  Lunch

1.40  Keynote Lecture
• Daniel Orrells, Walpole, Neoclassicism, and the Erotics of Historical Debate in the Eighteenth Century

2.40  Panel 5: Neo-classicism and Sexual Identity
• Sarah Betzer, Aesthetic Antagonists? Walpole, Patch, and Queer Taste
• Caroline Gonda, Identity and the Classics in the Notebooks of Anne Damer (1748–1828)

3.40  Break

3.50  Keynote Lecture
• Ulf Hansson, ‘I Find I Cannot Live Without Stosch’s Intaglia of the Gladiator with the Vase’: The Museo Stoschiano, Male Homosociability, and the Cult of the Ancients

4.50  Panel 6: Strawberry Hill and LGBTQ Heritage
• Nino Strachey, Alison Oram, and Richard Sandell, Presentations and discussion reflecting on Strawberry Hill and the legacies of Prejudice & Pride (National Trust) and Pride of Place (Historic England)

6.00  Farewell drinks

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (11 janvier 2019). Colloque : “Text Artefact Identity : Horace Walpole and the Queer Eighteenth Century”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Maxime Georges Métraux

Doctorant en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris IV –Sorbonne, Centre André Chastel – UMR 8150). Expert pour la galerie Hubert Duchemin et chargé d’enseignement à l'Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. Commissaire scientifique de l’exposition "Chic Emprise : Cultures, usages et sociabilités du tabac du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle" (22 juin - 23 septembre 2019) au musée du Nouveau Monde de La Rochelle.

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