Appel à communication : “Early Modern Privacy : Notions, Spaces, Implications”.

Louis ou Antoine Le Nain, Famille de paysans dans un intérieur, vers 1642, huile sur toile, 113 x 159 cm, Paris, musée du Louvre.
Type : appel à communication.
Date limite de l’appel : 2 décembre 2018.
Date de l’événement : 9 et 10 avril 2019.
Lieu : Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters, Copenhagen.
The Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for its inaugural conference. Our goal is to provide an opportunity to discuss and re-examine source material in order to understand practices, spaces, and ideas of privacy and related concepts that emerged in the early modern period across historical disciplines. We welcome (interdisciplinary) considerations of practice and performances of privacy and its opposites, as well as analyses of terminology, vocabulary, and languages, for example, in sources mentioning words using the prefix priv-.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
• Willem Frijhoff (Erasmus University of Rotterdam)
• Hélène Merlin-Kajman (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)
• Mia Korpiola (University of Turku)
• Maarten Delbeke (ETH Zurich)
We invite colleagues working within any field of Early Modern studies to submit proposals for papers in English of 20 minutes duration. Please upload paper title, an abstract of no more than 300 words, and a concise CV via PRIVACYs website no later than Sunday, 2 December 2018. Abstracts and CVs should be in English. A limited number of travel bursaries are available on a need basis; submit your travel bursary application with an estimated budget alongside your materials at the link above. For further information, please email A final program from the conference will be published in early January.
Suggested Topics
• Legal and religious definitions of private and public
• Individuality and subjectivity in relation to private and public spaces
• The emergence of the modern home and life-cycle inside and outside a (house-)hold
• Vagrancy, poverty and homelessness
• Education and access to knowledge
• Confidentiality, gossip, secrecy and surveillance within communities
• Sexual normativity and deviance from sexual norms
• Confessional spaces
• Interior and exterior design and life
• Public and private politics
Organizing Committee
Michaël Green, Natália da Silva Perez, Anna Katharina Becker, Fredrik Torisson
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (28 novembre 2018). Appel à communication : “Early Modern Privacy : Notions, Spaces, Implications”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse