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Colloque : “Public and Private Commissions : Donors and Works of Art in the Northern Adriatic”.

Giovanni Antoio Canal dit Canaletto, Vue d’une rivière, vers 1754, huile sur toile, 30,5 x 45 cm.

Type : colloque.
Date et horaire : 25 et 26 octobre 2018.
Lieu : University of Rijeka, Croatie, Rijeka.


jeudi 25 octobre 2018

10:00  Welcoming Addresses
• Ines Srdoč Konestra, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
• Barbara Španjol-Pandelo, Head of the Department of Art History
• Nina Kudiš, Project leader ET TIBI DABO: Commissions and Donors in Istria, Croatian Littoral, and North Dalmatia from 1300 to 1800

10:30  Session 1
Chair: Renata Novak Klemenčič
• Nina Kudiš, Il pittore Giovanni Pietro de Pomis e il Capitano di Fiume Stefano della Rovere: Contesto di una commissione
• Simone Guerriero, Non solo Le Court: Melchior Barthel, tra committenza pubblica e collezionismo nella Venezia barocca

11:10  Coffee break

11:40  Session 2
Chair: Nina Kudiš
• Massimo Favilla, Ruggero Rugolo, Venezia, i pregi di una famiglia: Gli Zane di San Stin fra arte e storia
• Damir Tulić, Between Private and Public: Three Cases of Art Commissions in Venice and Istria around 1700

13.00  Lunch break

15:00  Session 3
Chair: Massimo Favilla
• Maichol Clemente, Tommaso Rues tra Udine e Venezia: Un’opera, qualche documento e altri appunti di scultura veneta
• Monica De Vincenti, Dalla Serenissima all’Europa: Commissioni pubbliche e private per i Marinali ‘illustri Scultori nella città di Venezia’

15:40  Coffee break

16:10  Session 4
Chair: Damir Tulić
• Katra Meke, Making Business for Eternal Glory: The Merchant Jakob Schell von Schellenburg as Patron and Collector
• Massimo Favilla, Ruggero Rugolo, Venezia – San Marino: Francesco Zugno e la Madonna della misericordia nella chiesa di Montegiardino
• Matej Klemenčič, Antonio Corradini and Public Presentations of Sculpture in Early 18th-Century Venice

17:10  Discussion

vendredi 26 octobre 2018

10:00  Session 5
Chair: Nina Kudiš
• Renata Novak Klemenčič, Progetti edilizi della Repubblica di Ragusa nella prima metà del Quattrocento
• Ivan Braut, Krasnka Majer Jurišić, Nobilis sir Petrus de Zaro, et viri Arbi, Donor of the Franciscan Church of St. Bernardin in Kampor
• Željko Bistrović, The Pićan Bishops and Their Role in the Public and Cultural Life of Carniola and Its Provinces
• Josip Višnjić, Early Modern Transformation of the Pazin Fort during the Administration of Mosconi and Swetkovitch Families

12:00  Coffee Break

12:20  Session 6
Chair: Ruggero Rugolo
• Danijel Ciković, Iva Jazbec Tomaić, Tutti li sudetti paramenti hanno l’arma de Sua Signoria Illustrissima et Reverendissima…: Donazioni pubbliche e private del vescovo di Veglia, Giovanni della Torre
• Mateja Jerman, The Silver Sculpture of Our Lady of Sorrows from the Church of St. Vitus in Rijeka: Authors and Donors

13.30  Lunch break

15.30  Session 7
Chair: Danijel Ciković
• Petar Puhmajer, Introduction to the History of Baroque Gardens in Rijeka: Investors, Origins, and Design
• Ana Šitina, Đenis Torić, Commissions of Urban Fenzi and Lorenzo Fondra for the Church of St. Lawrence in Šibenik

16:10  Coffee break

16.40  Session 8
Chair: Katra Meke
• Mario Pintarić, Giuseppe Minolli: The Donor of the Monumental High Altar in the Former Augustinian Church of St. Jerome in Rijeka
• Marin Bolić, Collecting Paintings in the 18th-Century Rijeka: The Case of Francesco Saverio de Marburg

17:20  Discussion and concluding remarks

samedi 27 octobre 2018

Field trip to Zagreb (for speakers only).

Please direct any questions about the conference to Nina Kudiš,

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (23 octobre 2018). Colloque : “Public and Private Commissions : Donors and Works of Art in the Northern Adriatic”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

Maxime Georges Métraux

Doctorant en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris IV –Sorbonne, Centre André Chastel – UMR 8150). Expert pour la galerie Hubert Duchemin et chargé d’enseignement à l'Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. Commissaire scientifique de l’exposition "Chic Emprise : Cultures, usages et sociabilités du tabac du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle" (22 juin - 23 septembre 2019) au musée du Nouveau Monde de La Rochelle.

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