Colloque : “Rethinking the Life and Work of Nagasawa Rosetsu”.

Nagasawa Rosetsu, Scholars Crossing a Bridge, 1788–1789, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll, 47 × 21 inches, San Diego Museum of Art.
Type : colloque.
Date et horaire : 20 et 21 octobre 2018 .
Lieu : University of Zurich, Zurich.
The Japanese painter Nagasawa Rosetsu (1754–1799) has increasingly been a source of interest during the last years from popular and academic audiences with numerous exhibitions in Japan and in the West. Rosetsu has long been a name in Western studies of Japanese art, starting with a groundbreaking exhibition at the Denver Art Museum in 1973 and the publication by Robert Moes from the same year. Presently he is represented at an outstanding exhibition at the Museum Rietberg, Zurich, that feature key works of the artists, seldom seen outside of Japan.
Rosetsu has been the center of controversy over a long time, from the different versions of his contested biography to the questions of how to interpret the artist and his work. For decades he has been relegated to a list of eccentric artists, which serves little but to obscure a serious discussion of the artist and his remarkable works. At this time of great popularity and exposure to the public in the East and the West, a rethinking of the artist and his works seems highly overdue.
For this purpose, the University of Zurich has invited the top Japanese scholars who have been working on Rosetsu over the last years. We have planned a two-day conference with presentations and discussions and are inviting both younger and more established scholars, including Professors Yasuhiro Satō and Motoaki Kōno, who has been working on Rosetsu since the 1970s. Among the younger stars in the field, we are inviting Momo Miyazaki and Hideyuki Okada who have recently changed Rosetsu scholarship in significant ways.
The aim is to gather these scholars and to have them engage with each other and pool their knowledge into meaningful discussions. The expected result of the conference is to spread wider knowledge of this outstanding artist among the scholarly community and among the public. We also hope that discoveries in the life and works of the artist will be a lasting result of this conference.
The symposium is free and open to the public. No prior registration is required. Presentations will be in Japanese and in English. Texts in English will be supplied for presentations held in Japanese. For questions, please contact the Section for East Asian Art:
The symposium is organized by the Section for East Asian Art, University of Zurich, and is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss-Japanese Society, and the University of Zurich Foundation (Hochschulstiftung).
S A T U R D A Y , 2 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8
佐藤康宏 Satō Yasuhiro, University of Tokyo
「長澤蘆雪における〈反動〉― 應舉の氷を破る」/ Rosetsu’s Backlash: Breaking the Ice of Ōkyo
野口剛 Noguchi Takeshi, 根津美術館 Nezu Art Museum
「月光」と詩情の回復:師・円山応挙との比較による長沢芦雪に関する考察 / Moonlight and the Return of Sentiment: Nagasawa Rosetsu in Comparison to His Master Maruyama Ōkyo
岡田秀之 Okada Hideyuki, 嵯峨嵐山日本美術研究所 Saga-Arashiyama Institute for Japanese Art
「芦雪の初期作品について」/ On the Early Works by Rosetsu
河野元昭 Kōno Motoaki, 静嘉堂文庫 Seikadō Bunko Art Museum
「私が見てきた長澤蘆雪受容の変化」/ Changes in Rosetsu Reception That I Have Observed Over the Years
中谷伸生 Nakatani Nobuo, Kansai University
「芦雪と大坂画壇」/ Osaka Painters and Rosetsu
S U N D A Y , 2 1 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8
宮崎ももMiyazaki Momo, 大和文華館 Yamato Bunkakan
「芦雪の指頭画をめぐって」/ On the Finger Paintings of Rosetsu
Hans Bjarne Thomsen, University of Zurich
The Kansai Eccentric
筒井忠仁 Tsutsui Tadahito, 文化庁Agency for Cultural Affairs
「南紀から広島へ―長澤蘆雪の画風の変遷と精神の変容―」/ From Nanki to Hiroshima: The Transition of the Nagasawa Rosetsu’s Style and the Transformation of his Spirit
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (7 octobre 2018). Colloque : “Rethinking the Life and Work of Nagasawa Rosetsu”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse