Journée d’études : “Basic Instincts : Art, Women, and Sexuality in the Eighteenth Century”.

Joseph Highmore, Pamela in the Bedroom with Mrs Jewkes and Mr B., 1743–44, huile sur toile, 62.7 × 75.7 cm, Londres, Tate.
Type : journée d’études.
Date : 20 novembre 2017.
Lieu : Keynes Library, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London.
This symposium has been organised alongside the Foundling Museum exhibition Basic Instincts (on view from 29 September 2017 until 7 January 2018). Curated by Jacqueline Riding, historical consultant, author, and Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Arts at Birkbeck, University of London, Basic Instincts explores Georgian attitudes to love, desire, and female respectability through the radical paintings of Joseph Highmore (1692–1780). The symposium will draw out some of the key themes of the exhibition, focusing on the depiction of women and sexuality in eighteenth-century culture. Tickets are £40 (£30 concessions and Foundling Friends), with booking information available here.
10.00 Coffee and registration
10.20 Welcome from Kate Retford (History of Art Department, Birkbeck, University of London)
10.30 Jacqueline Riding (Curator of Basic Instincts, and Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London), Basic Instincts: Love, Passion, Violence
11.00 Panel 1 | Highmore and His Context
• Kate Retford (Senior Lecturer in Art History at Birkbeck, University of London), Joseph Highmore, Time, and Miss Whichcote’s Marriage
• Kirsten Tambling (PhD candidate, History of Art, Birkbeck, University of London), ‘Into the Thickest Part of the Grove’: Hogarth’s ‘outdoor’ Before and After’
• Emma Barker (Senior Lecturer in Art History at the Open University), Sentiment and Seduction: Cross-Channel Connections in Art and Literature
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Tour of Basic Instincts exhibition with Kathleen Palmer (Curator at the Foundling Museum)
15.30 Panel 2 | Art, Women, and Sexuality
• Joanne Begiato (Professor in History, Oxford Brookes University), The Tender Mother in the Eighteenth Century: Bosoms and Bliss?
• Mary Peace (Senior Lecturer in English, Sheffield Hallam University), Reversing the Harlot’s Progress? The Figuring and Refiguring of Magdalens at the London Magdalen Hospital in the Eighteenth Century
• Karen Lipsedge (Associate Professor in English Literature, Kingston University), ‘Imagine They See’: Pamela and Visual and Literary Depictions of the Eighteenth-Century Interior
17.00 Closing remarks
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (24 septembre 2017). Journée d’études : “Basic Instincts : Art, Women, and Sexuality in the Eighteenth Century”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse