Appel à publication : Cartographic Styles and Discourse
Type : Appel à publication
Date limite ; 22 septembre 2017
This is a call for proposals to be considered in the constitution of a thematic issue of Artl@s Bulletin which will explore the intersection of art and cartography in a range of historical and geographic contexts. Centuries-old representations of land from around the globe are known for their conceptual characteristics, such as indigenous American, medieval Mediterranean, and Chinese silk maps whose ‘world views’ are often clearly rooted instead in their unique social perspectives. Art and cartography again come together in modern maps that consciously reject the empiricism of enlightenment-era cartography in favor of culturally-meaningful aesthetics. In some contemporary maps, the particular way that ideas and information become visualized, including through the use of unconventional materials or new technologies, arguably shapes their outcomes just as much or more than any physical territory.
This volume looks to examine a variety of ways in which stylistic choices have merged with maps to create dynamic cartographic discourses over time and space. If we understand that maps are socially constituted, how do we see their aesthetics as likewise processual, perhaps responding to broader artistic developments and/or political circumstances? Where and why might we see artistic and mapping practices as mutually constituting? In what ways have formal choices intersected with cartography to engender fresh epistemological frameworks for imagining particular geographies? How have concerns about reception affected the artist-cartographer’s approach to mapping, for instance in cross-cultural, transnational, and/or global environments? What does the pictorial construction of a map tell us about the way that geographies have been made to speak in dynamic terms by/for their occupants, artists, patrons, and/or viewers?
With this CFP, we seek potential contributions in the form of a one page abstract, accompanied by a curriculum vitae that includes a list of publications. Proposals are to be sent to Delia Cosentino (, Catherine Dossin (, and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel ( by 22 September
2017 at the latest. Completed articles readied for peer review will be due 22 January 2018, with the volume slated for publication in October 2018. The papers can be written in English, French, Spanish, German, or Italian.
The ARTL@S Bulletin is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary journal devoted to spatial and transnational questions in the history of the arts. For more information on its content, philosophy, and policy see:
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Florence Fesneau (18 juillet 2017). Appel à publication : Cartographic Styles and Discourse. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse