Conférence : Dutch painters in Rome: between Caravaggism and the market
Gérard ter Borch, Autoportrait, vers 1668, huile sur toile, 62,7 x 43,7 cm, La Hague, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis.
Type : Conférence
Date : 28 avril 2017
Lieu : Rome, Royal Netherlands Institute
Dutch painters came to Rome in the sixteenth century for various reasons; they wanted to perfect their artistic education by studying classical antiquity and the modern masters such as Raphael and Michelangelo. By the beginning of the seventeenth century, they still came to the Eternal City but several aspects had radically changed.
First of all, quite a few remained longer than necessary for a mere study trip – they sometimes settled here for years. They also started to develop a style of painting that had nothing to do with classical antiquity – either opting for Caravaggio, or developing the so-called Bambocciate or genre-pieces that were in great demand with local patrons and buyers, but which became frowned upon by 19th century historians of Dutch art. During this round-table, various speakers will approach the phenomenon from art historical, social and historical perspectives.
The conference starts at 16:00 and will consist of the following talks:
Reflections on recent (mis)attributions to Caravaggio – Gert Jan van der Sman, Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence
Painters from the North and the Art Market in Early Seventeenth-century Rome – Patrizia Cavazzini, Research Fellow British School at Rome
Changing tastes. The formal and informal appreciation of the works of 17th century Dutch painters from the 19th to the 21th century – Paul Schnabel, Utrecht University
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Florence Fesneau (17 avril 2017). Conférence : Dutch painters in Rome: between Caravaggism and the market. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse