Publication : The Burlington Magazine, March 2017 issue

Simon Vouet, La Crucifixion, vers 1636 – 1637, huile sur toile, 216 x 146 cm, Lyon, musée des Beaux-Arts.

The earthquake in Amatrice, Norcia and the Marche: a cultural emergency by ALESSANDRO DELPRIORI
Nicolas Poussin’s ‘The death of Chione’ by PIERRE ROSENBERG
An ‘Adoration of the shepherds’ by Simon Vouet in Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul, by MYLÈNE SARANT EVRY
Simon Vouet and the theme of the Crucifixion by ARNAULD BREJON DE LAVERGNÉE
A rediscovered painting by Nicolas Fouché in Bournemouth by FRANÇOIS MARANDET
Oudry’s oil sketches for Samuel Jacques Bernard by DAVID PULLINS
The Musée du Luxembourg and Toulous-Lautrec’s ‘Portrait of Monsieur Delaporte in the Jardin de Paris’ by ALEXIS CLARK
Erika Langmuir (1931–2015) by NEIL  MACGREGOR
Giles Waterfield (1949–2016) by TANYA HARROD
Catalogue raisonné des peintures française du XVIe siècle du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Frédéric Elsig by HUMPHREY WINE
Nicolas Poussin: Les Tableaux du Louvre, Pierre Rosenberg by ANN SUTHERLAND HARRIS
The Work of Art: Plein Air Painting and Artistic Identity in Nineteenth-Century France, Anthea Callen by MARY  MORTON
Cézanne: Drawings and Watercolours, Christopher Lloyd by RICHARD VERDI
Victor Chocquet. Ami et collectionneur des impressionistes: Renoir, Cézanne, Monet, Manet, Mariantonia Reinhard-Felice by ALEX DANCHEV
Matisse in the Barnes Foundation, Yve-Alain Bois by ALASTAIR  WRIGHT
René Magritte: Selected Writings, Kathleen Rooney and Eric Plattner An American Connection: Letters from René Magritte to William Copley and Barnet Hodes, Claude Goormans by ALEXANDER ADAMS
Decoding Magritte, Silvano Levy by ROBERT  RADFORD
Avant-Garde Museology, Arseny Zhilyaev by ANNE  BLOOD
Paul Nash by JAMES FOX
Second Empire by PHILIP  WARD- JACKSON
Rubens and the birth of the Baroque by LUCIA  SIMONATO
Charles III of Spain by XAVIER  F.  SALOMON
Clara Peeters by JOHN LOUGHMAN
The French Academy in Rome by PETER COOKE
Artemisia Gentileschi by GIANNI  PAPI
Frank Stella by MEGAN R. LUKE
Mexican modernism by EDWARD J . SULLIVAN
Luther and the art of the Reformation by ARMIN KUNZ

Recent acquisitions (2013–16) at The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

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Florence Fesneau (3 mars 2017). Publication : The Burlington Magazine, March 2017 issue. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 7 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Florence Fesneau

Docteur en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne)

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