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Appel à communication : Not All at Sea: Material Histories on Oceanic Thresholds

Guillaume-Nicolas Delahaye d’après Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d’Après de Mannevillette, Carte de la côte orientale du Bengale, 1745, gravure, 54 x 39 cm, Paris, Bibliotèque nationale de France.

Type : Appel à communication

Date limite de l’appel à candidature : 15 mars 2017

Date de la manifestation : 12 – 15 octobre 2017

Lieu : American Council of Southern Asian Art Symposium, Cambridge, New York.

Dazzling textiles, pungent spices and precious maps. Merchant houses, factories and forts. Travel itineraries, lists and letters. Objects, architecture and texts traversing the waters and the frontiers of the Indian Ocean defy multiple boundaries—spatial, ontological, and technological. This panel invites participants to consider material histories occurring on oceanic thresholds that present a local, liminal or interregional perspective.

The merchants, pilgrims, scholars and messengers who traversed the ports of South Asia formed connections throughout Indian Ocean regions, becoming central to the global economy of goods, art and ideas. Yet historical entanglements occurred across differing scales and multiple modes of mobility, not just along global itineraries. For this panel, we seek papers that focus not only on large-scale trade patterns but also on the way trade and circulation transformed local, often littoral, spaces from the Bay of Bengal to the Persian Gulf. We welcome papers on art and aesthetic practices across time periods that unite discussions of local, regional, trans-regional and global travels that are usually confined to discrete conceptual spheres. We hope to discuss how the lives of people and things encompassed both maritime and inland cultures. Studies of eclectic, hybrid and multilayered forms and practices will help rethink the established temporal and regional boundaries that exist in art histories of South Asia and beyond.

Please send your paper abstract and a short C.V. by March 15, 2017 to Sylvia Houghteling (Bryn Mawr College, and Dipti Khera (New York University, Papers not selected for this open call panel will be considered for individual paper panels by the ACSAA symposium selection committee.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Florence Fesneau (27 février 2017). Appel à communication : Not All at Sea: Material Histories on Oceanic Thresholds. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Florence Fesneau

Docteur en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne)

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