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Appel à publication : Journal18 #5 – Coordinates (Printemps 2018)

Joseph Vernet (1714-1789), Le lever du jour, départ des pêcheurs, 1747, peinture à l’huile sur toile, 98 x 134 cm, © D. Perronnet/Art digital studio & P. de Gobert

Joseph Vernet (1714-1789), Le lever du jour, départ des pêcheurs, 1747, peinture à l’huile sur toile, 98 x 134 cm, © D. Perronnet/Art digital studio & P. de Gobert

Type : Appel à publication
Date limite : 1er avril 2017
Date de publication : Printemps 2018
Sous la direction de : Carrie Anderson (Middlebury College) et Nancy Um (Binghamton University)

#5 Coordinates

Digital Mapping & 18th-century Visual, Material, and Built Cultures
Art history’s digital turn has been stimulated by the possibilities of spatial research. Spurred by the collection, preservation, and distribution of art historical data in digital space—practices that have both collapsed and expanded our own discursive geographies—scholars have exploited the potential of geospatial analysis for art historical study. These new methods are particularly promising for the study of the early modern world, which has been fruitfully understood through the prisms of connections and exchanges that crossed world regions and defied the boundaries drawn on static maps. Digital mapping platforms and applications like CartoDB, Neatline, ArcGIS, Leaflet, and MapBox have made it possible, for example, to visualize the movement of people, such as artists, through temporal and geographic space, thus allowing us to reimagine personal and material contacts in tangible ways. Moreover, the dynamic lives of
mobile and fungible objects can be displayed in extended and often circuitous trajectories, thus encouraging the kind of nonlinear visual analysis that is foundational to the practice of art history.

Georectification tools have further facilitated the reconciliation of historical figurations of space with contemporary visualizations, which allows competing spatial narratives to coexist productively in a digital realm, while also challenging the magisterial view offered by
modern cartography.

In this issue of Journal18, we seek to feature current scholarship that relies on the analytical power provided by digital mapping interfaces for the study of visual, material, and built cultures during the long eighteenth century. How do digital humanities methods and tools shape our understanding of space and place in the early modern period? What impact might digital mapping have on our historical investigations of people, objects, and their environments?

Modalités de soumission :

Submissions may take the form of an article (up to 6000 words) or a project presented through a digital platform that takes full advantage of Journal18’s online format. We also welcome proposals for shorter vignettes (around 2,500 words) that reflect on projects in progress or consider the potential for particular mapping methodologies for eighteenth-century art history.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Hadrien Volle (31 janvier 2017). Appel à publication : Journal18 #5 – Coordinates (Printemps 2018). Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

Hadrien Volle

Doctorant contractuel en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne).

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