Publication : “The British School of Sculpture, c.1760-1832”.

BURNAGE Sarah (dirs.) et EDWARDS Jason (dirs.), The British School of Sculpture, c.1760-1832, New York, Routledge, 2016, 288 p.
Présentation de l’éditeur :
The British School of Sculpture is the first essay collection examining the rich array of sculpture produced and exhibited in Britain between 1768 and 1837. Featuring nearly 60 illustrations, many never reproduced before, and combining essays from leading scholars in the field with exciting new voices, the volume challenges the notion that neoclassicism dominated British art history in the period, and returns to centre stage a number of compelling baroque works. The volume also emphasises the regional specificities of the British School, paying particular attention to the importance of country house collections and Scottish influences, and the British School’s broader cosmopolitanism, revealing how sculptors also engaged with contemporary continental artists, especially in Rome, and ancient classical and Indian antiquities. In addition, the volume combines a novel account of some of the period’s most significant anti-war memorials, emphasises the importance of religion, and reveal’s sculpture’s relation to contemporary prints and literary sources. Featuring an unprecedentedly extensive bibliography, the volume is specifically designed for art historians and cultural historians of the period, as well as for visitors to British churches and country houses, and heritage sites such as St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.
Sommaire :
List of Illustrations
Notes on Contributors
1 Jason Edwards, ‘Introduction: Sculpture Victorious, or, The British School, .c1760-1832?’
2 Sarah Burnage, ‘Introduction: The British School of Sculpture – A Case Study’.
3 Joan Coutu, ‘Sculpture and the Forming of National Tastes in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century’.
4 Matthew Craske, ‘Extracting the Meaning of a Pile of Pancakes: An Analysis of Nicholas Read’s Monument to Admiral Tyrrel (1766-1770)’.
5 Sarah Burnage, ‘“Delighting the Common People”: John Bacon’s Monuments to the Earl of Chatham (1778-1784)’.
6 Tomas Macsotay, ‘Artistic Labour and Cosmopolitan Sociability: British Sculptors in Accounts from Late Eighteenth-Century Visitors to Rome’.
7 Roberto Ferrari, ‘Before Rome: John Gibson and the British School of Art’.
8. Martin Myrone: ‘“The Chatterton of Sculpture”: Thomas Procter and the Limits of the British School’.
9 Eleanor Hughes, ‘Smoke and Marble: Thomas Banks’s Monument to Captain George Blagdon Westcott’.
10 Jason Edwards, ‘John Charles Felix Rossi’s Cornwallis Monument (1807-1811) and the Colonial Cosmopolitanism of the British School’.
11 M.G. Sullivan, ‘Cunningham, Chantrey, and the British School of Sculpture’.
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Maxime Georges Métraux (7 septembre 2016). Publication : “The British School of Sculpture, c.1760-1832”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse