Publication : “Stories in Gilded Frames. Dutch seventeenth-century paintings with biblical and mythological subjects (Verhalen in vergulde lijsten. Bijbelse en mythologische schilderijen van Rembrandt en zijn tijdgenoten)”.
Présentation de l’éditeur :
Dutch painters in the seventeenth century frequently turned their brushes on subjects from the Bible or mythology. Such subjects, bringing with them whole stories with which patrons and art lovers were intimately familiar, were perfect for the dramatic designs and vibrant play of color and shadow that were these painters’ stock in trade.
This book presents the work of forty-one Dutch artists who handled Biblical and mythological stories in the period, including Rembrandt. Arranged chronologically, and copiously illustrated with full-color images of the paintings in question, the book shows how each of these paintings works with—or sometimes against—the conventions of the story it is telling, making use of the viewer’s knowledge of the subject and themes and finding ways to bring the familiar arrestingly to life. Lyckle de Vries sets each artist’s work in context of his career and influences—including influences from Flemish and Italian painters—and helps readers understand what the goals and intentions were as each artist set out on a painting.
A beautiful produced volume, Stories in Gilded Frames offers a new way of looking at one of the most enduringly popular periods in art history.
Plus d’informations sur le site de l’éditeur.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (11 juillet 2016). Publication : “Stories in Gilded Frames. Dutch seventeenth-century paintings with biblical and mythological subjects (Verhalen in vergulde lijsten. Bijbelse en mythologische schilderijen van Rembrandt en zijn tijdgenoten)”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 7 septembre 2024 à l’adresse