Appel à publication : « Color in the Long Eighteenth Century ».

Anne-Louis Girodet, Portrait de Jean-Baptiste Belley, 1797, huile sur toile, 159 x 112 cm, Versailles, musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon.
Type : Appel à publication.
Date limite : 15 juillet 2016.
Eighteenth-Century Studies, a cross-disciplinary journal committed to publishing the best of current writing on all aspects of eighteenth-century culture, is planning an upcoming special issue dedicated to the theme of how people understood and assigned meaning and value to color in the eighteenth century. Topics might include color in literature and the visual arts, changing perceptions of race, scientific understandings of optics and color theory, and color in commercial goods (dyes and textiles, for example), among many others.
Broadly speaking, how did eighteenth-century actors perceive color in the physical world around them? In what ways did perceptions of skin color impact developing theories of race? How did color contribute to eighteenth-century fascination with the material world, and how did the relationship between the theory and materiality of color change during this time? We invite submissions that reflect on topics related to these themes or on other ways in which contemporaries interpreted and understood color.
Submissions may originate in any of the disciplines and research methodologies encompassed by eighteenth-century studies, broadly construed (history, philosophy, literature, social sciences, and the arts); those which focus on the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, or Oceania are especially encouraged.
Submissions should be 7,000–9,000 words, including notes, and may be sent to The deadline for consideration for this issue is July 15, 2016. Please contact the Managing Editor at with any questions.
Contact Info :
Amy Dunagin
Managing Editor, Eighteenth-Century Studies
Eighteenth-Century Studies is committed to publishing the best of current writing on all aspects of eighteenth-century culture. The journal publishes different modes of analysis and disciplinary discourses that explore how recent historiographical, critical, and theoretical ideas have engaged scholars concerned with the eighteenth century. Eighteenth-Century Studies is the official publication of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS).
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (27 avril 2016). Appel à publication : « Color in the Long Eighteenth Century ». Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse