Publication : “The Secret Life of the Georgian Garden : Beautiful Objects and Agreeable Retreats”.
Présentation de l’éditeur :
Georgian landscape gardens are among the most visited and enjoyed of the UK’s historical treasures. The Georgian garden has also been hailed as the greatest British contribution to European Art, seen as a beautiful composition created from grass, trees and water—a landscape for contemplation. But scratch below the surface and history reveals these gardens were a lot less serene and, in places, a great deal more scandalous. Beautifully illustrated in colour and black and white, this book is about the daily life of the Georgian garden. It reveals its previously untold secrets from early morning rides through to evening amorous liaisons. It explains how by the eighteenth century there was a desire to escape the busy country house where privacy was at a premium and how these gardens evolved aesthetically, with modestly-sized, far-flung temples and other eye-catchers, to cater for escape and solitude as well as food, drink, music and fireworks. Its publication coincides with the 2016 tercentenary of the birth of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, arguably Britain’s greatest ever landscape gardener, and the book is uniquely positioned to put Brown’s work into its social context.
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Maxime Georges Métraux (14 mars 2016). Publication : “The Secret Life of the Georgian Garden : Beautiful Objects and Agreeable Retreats”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse