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Appel à publication : Journal18, #3 LIFELIKE (Printemps 2017)

Nicolas Spayement, peintre Desmares, machiniste, huile sur tôle de fer, cadrans émaillés, cadre en bois sculpté et doré, 1739 © Les Arts Décoratifs

Nicolas Spayement, peintre, Desmares, machiniste, huile sur tôle de fer, cadrans émaillés, cadre en bois sculpté et doré, 1739 © Les Arts Décoratifs

Type : Appel à publication.
Date de publication : Printemps 2017.
Date limite d’envoi de proposition : 15 mai 2016.


During the eighteenth century, a range of artistic productions aimed to simulate motion and life, at the same time that individuals became ever more preoccupied with performing or embodying static works of art. This issue of Journal18 aims to explore such hybrid creations and the boundaries they challenged between animate and inanimate form, art and technology, nature and artifice, the living and the dead. Echoing contemporary discussions about vraisemblance and verisimilitude, as well as mimesis and imitation, in eighteenth-century artistic literature, these preoccupations also related to larger philosophical and scientific debates about matter, mankind and machines at a global level. What was considered “lifelike” in the eighteenth century? How did artistic practices engage this notion and participate in redefining it?

Articles may focus on specific objects, such as automata that imitated human acts of writing or harpsichord playing; hyperrealistic wax figures, sometimes displayed in groups, that were used for entertainment as well as pedagogical and medical purposes; “tableaux mécaniques,” or mixed-media paintings with motors on the back that enabled figures to move across their surfaces; and natural history materials, such as taxidermic animals, specimens or skeletons that were displayed in particular spaces. Other possible topics include the staging of collaborative tableaux vivants in eighteenth-century theaters, gardens, and salons; and related attempts to resurrect or animate ancient artifacts, as in Emma Hamilton’s “living statue” performances. Articles that consider the eighteenth-century specificity of such artistic productions, introduce new methodological perspectives, or discuss relevant examples from outside of Europe are especially encouraged.

Issue Editors
Noémie Etienne, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
Meredith Martin, NYU and Institute of Fine Arts

To submit a proposal, send an abstract (200 words) and a brief CV to
Articles should not exceed 6000 words and will be due on 1 November
For further details on the submission process see:

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Hadrien Volle (28 février 2016). Appel à publication : Journal18, #3 LIFELIKE (Printemps 2017). Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

Hadrien Volle

Doctorant contractuel en Histoire de l'art moderne (Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne).

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