Appel à communication : “Imagining the Apocalypse”.

Joseph Malord William Turner, Death on a Pale Horse, huile sur toile, 59 x 75 cm, ca. 1825-1830, Londres, Tate Collection.
Type : appel à communication.
Date : 18 juin 2016.
Lieu : University of Oxford.
Date limite : 28 février 2016.
Romanticism and Eighteenth-Century Studies Oxford (RESCO) invites proposals for a one-day interdisciplinary conference on the subject of ‘Imagining Apocalypse’. A plenary lecture will be given by Professor Fiona Stafford (Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford).The conference aims to bring together academics from across English, History, Theology, History of Art, and Music to reassess the numerous responses to the idea of apocalypse produced during the long eighteenth century (1660-1830).
Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:
– The French Revolution as apocalyptic
– Millenarial cults, the Bible, and prophecy
– The summer of 1816 and apocalyptic anxiety
– Secular doomsday and apocalypse without millennium
– Scientific predictions concerning the end of the world
– The figure of the ‘Last Man’
– Parodies and satires of apocalypse
– The apocalyptic city
– Apocalypse as ‘unveiling’
– Post-apocalypse
– The legacy of long eighteenth-century depictions of apocalypse
Please email abstracts of no more than 250 words to no later than Sunday 28 February 2016 along with a short biographical note. Proposals for roundtables and panels, as well as traditional 20-minute papers, are welcome.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Maxime Georges Métraux (9 janvier 2016). Appel à communication : “Imagining the Apocalypse”. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse