Conférence du GRHAM : “Haptic, Somatic, Ubiquitous : Multi-disciplinary Textile Studies” par Amanda Phillips, 30 septembre 2021, en visioconférence.

Detail, textile with Quranic inscriptions made for use as a hanging in Mecca or Medina. Silk, lampas weave. Ottoman Empire, ca. 1600s. Istanbul, Topkapı Palace Museum 13/658. Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, Presidency of National Palaces Administration.
Type : Conférence.
Date et horaire : 30 septembre 2021 à 19h (CET-Paris).
Lieu : Visioconférence sur Zoom
Pour tout renseignement :
Textiles were, and are, a major object of exchange, traded at all levels of all markets around the world. This talk focuses on the Ottoman Empire in the later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and considers the many drivers of change in the production and consumption of textiles. Weavers making heavy figured velvets modelled their work on Italian and French prototypes, while those making light-weight silks and half-silks imitated Indian textiles, even in their names. The court also established new workshops in the capital, staffed with artisans from Poland and Chios, in order to supply its own needs for luxury silks. At the same time, weavers continued in traditional modes, making hangings for the shrines at Mecca and Medina, and consumers availed themselves with goods from centers from Aurangabad to Yanbol. With these examples and others, I’ll also argue that textiles—haptic, somatic, ubiquitous; in an immense range of types; with a collective status as a major commodity—demand new kinds of scholarly treatment.
Amanda Phillips is Associate Professor of Islamic Art and Material Culture at the University of Virginia. She works mostly on the Ottoman Empire. Everyday Luxuries (2016) focused on the consumption of art and objects in the capital of Constantinople, while Sea Change (2021) considered the textile cultures of the Empire across the long durée. Because textile studies are especially multi-disciplinary, Amanda Phillips is interested in regimes of specialist knowledge and technology, in vernacular art and daily life, in global trade and fashion, and in technical and conservation studies. She has been fortunate enough to hold fellowships in Oxford, Istanbul, Berlin, Birmingham, and St Andrews.
La conférence se tiendra sur Zoom, le 30 septembre 2021 à 19h. Pour rejoindre la réunion, merci de suivre ce lien:
The conference will be held on Zoom, the 30 September 2021, 19:00 CET. To join the meeting on the day of the event, please follow this link:
Veuillez noter que cette conférence sera en anglais.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Moïra Dato (4 septembre 2021). Conférence du GRHAM : “Haptic, Somatic, Ubiquitous : Multi-disciplinary Textile Studies” par Amanda Phillips, 30 septembre 2021, en visioconférence. Groupe de Recherche en Histoire de l'Art Moderne. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse